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Although we've already covered the steps of Getting started with the moniturbate software and how to use most of the cool features, we'd like to make a quick tutorial on how to solve the most common issues that some users have met, as well as explaining more about how the software works and behaves.

First of all, starting from the version 1.8.8 the software can only run on x64 systems, apologies to all of you still running on 32 bits machines, we really feel sorry for you in general.

Now you've got your windows 7, 8, 9 or even 10 running as a 64 bits os on your x64 machine, the Moniturbate software might be working just fine for you as it does for us, but if its not the case please have a look at our amazing checklist :

Issues solving checklist to run the moniturbate software

  • x64 architectures, we already said that
    Something else that may sound obvious to 99% of you but: you need to extract the archive (The ZIP file freshly downloaded) into a folder of its own, and only then start the software.

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1
    Click above to download and install the microsoft framework, or go get it by yourself, the version 4.6.1 or higher is required. If you don't know which version is installed on your computer, here is a useful link for you to geek out the information

  • Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable
    This is not a mandatory package to start the Moniturbate software on your computer, but if you intend to use the Cookie Session feature in order to make the software behave as if it was logged into your chaturbate account, then you will need to install this Microsoft Redistributable thing !
    So if you look at the download page there are 3 packages available:
    x86: vc_redist.x86.exe
    x64: vc_redist.x64.exe
    ARM64: vc_redist.arm64.exe
    We ignore of course the x86 package because we're only running on 64 bits, so we are looking only at the x64 one OR at the ARM64 one.
    Which one those 2 refers to your processor architecture ?
    In order to find out, copy past the below command into your console:
    If the command answers : AMD64 then pick the x64 package
    If the command answers : ARM64 then pick the ARM64 package
    If the command answers: x86 then go install a 64 bits version of windows immediately !
    This will immediately solve the bug: Unable to load DLL 'mozglue': The specified module

    Now if... if you don't know what a console is... Click on START + type CMD, a console is the black square where the geeks love to spend time instead of doing tiktok like normal vaccinated people.

  • There you go, the software has started successfully, you seem really excited about it and so we are about seeing a new potential premium customer in front of his life changing porn recording experience but... damn it ! The recording status says "Recording..." but no file is being written !
    Should you close the software and write insults to the support ? Certainly not ! Instead you should:
    Make sure that you've extracted the software into a folder location where the current user's session has the right to write on the disk.
    Example of a bad location: C:\Program files
    Example of a good location: Z:\My shits or even C:\Users\John\Desktop\My shits

    Is the issue still happening ? would you mind trying to record performers from different cam sites ? if it does this but only from a specific cam site, then please gently contact our support that will be more than happy to assist you.

There might be other type of issues if you have installed on your computer an antivirus or a firewall blocking the software from communicating with the internet, so we recommend you to allow the software in your rules set. The moniturbate software is safe and does not contain any virus whatsoever, I can guaranty you that your money is the only thing that we're after, and we believe in the happy customer brings another one.

From here, we assume that you've made it and you successfully recorded somebody's live cam show from your favorite live cam website ! Isn't that fantastic ?

Now regarding the Cookie Session feature, we made some serious improvement there and you don't need to be a tech savvy anymore in order to make the software behave as logged into an account, there is now a simple "Auto Load" button which will open an embedded web browser within the software, login from there and you're all set !

Cheers !

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